I am thrilled to introduce you to the brand Agency, in case you have never heard of them! Agency is personalized prescription skincare, made for you by a dermatology provider. They believe every skin is unique and therefore for a formula to be its most effective in accomplishing your specific goals and needs, it needs to be a formula created specifically for you! How did I discover them? Read on to learn more about my skincare journey and my thoughts on “aging”!

I have been on a bit of a skincare kick lately. I turned 30 in January and let’s just say turning into another decade makes you think about things and notice things you hadn’t noticed prior! I want to firstly say that aging is something that I am not trying to prevent and I don’t see turning another year “older” a negative thing. Aging is the process of living- of breathing and being on this Earth enjoying! When you shift your mindset to seeing the beauty in aging-of being here long enough that you evolve and change-you then can recognize the lines and wrinkles are more of something that came about from living a beautiful life!
It takes time to shift your mindset and it certainly does not help that for decades upon decades, women in the beauty world are not to age and there is a ton of stigma around a women aging. If you don’t age, then quite simply you didn’t live.
I am all for preventative care and finding products that can help reduce the signs of aging and products that work for you skin, I am just not over here obsessing about every little crease or line that comes in existence. I don’t think obsessing over anything in your life is time well worth spent!

Agency Personalized Skincare: How it Works in 3 Steps!
- Sign up and take the skin quiz! The entire process of ordering Agency is as simple as using the product each night before bed! It doesn’t take any thought to it! You begin by signing up on their website and taking the skin quiz. The quiz is a few questions about your skin, what products you are currently using, what prescriptions you are on and what your goals with your skin are. The quiz is to provide the information needed for your provider to create your unique formula fo you and it takes at most 5 minutes to answer! To sign up, use this link here!
- Receive and use your formula! You then will receive your custom formula in the mail and your formula will arrive every two months! You can absolutely try your first bottle for free, all you need to do is take the quiz and pay the $4.95 shipping and handling fee for this month only. Once your 30 days trial is up, it’s just $30 a month and the bottle ships free each time it ships, every two months!
- Check in with your provider! Lastly, the final step is to check in with your provider after using the formula for a little while. I checked in after using the product for one month. Side note: I test all products for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to sharing, I usually like at least 4-6 weeks testing skincare before I recommend to all of you! It’s important to check in so you can discuss how the formula is working on your skin. My formula has Tretinoin, which helps reduces fine lines, improves pigmentation and texture in skin, but initially when I started using Tretinoin about a year ago in a different product, I had to work my way up to using it as it can really dry out your skin. You work up to using it, allowing your skin to adapt and be able to get used to it! As you check in with your provider, you can discuss how your skin is responding and her time, the formula can be adjusted to evolve with you!

I mentioned above that applying the cream is super easy. You simply just apply at night on clean skin. The texture of the product is super smooth and it feels gentle going on. I love that it feels like my skin absorbs the cream easily and that when I lay down in bed, it doesn’t feel like the product is getting all over the pillow. Sometimes I feel if i use an oil, then it lays on top of the skin longer and I feel like half of the product gets on my pillow than being absorbed by the skin! Anyways, not the case here, just one pump of the cream into your hand and then rub into your face and you are all set! If you are a skincare junkie (no shame girlfriend!) you can always as your provider if it’s okay to use your other products too! Your provider will know and be able to guide you! I use eye creams and moisturizers and it’s all perfectly okay to do so!

I am a huge believer that one size does not fit all and I also believe just because something has always been doesn’t mean it is always right. As we grow and develop as people and as a society, I think it’s always important to look at a process and ask the question could it be improved, could it be better. You respond way differently to something than you would as a child. That’s growing, learning and developing. A bottle on the shelf at the store, just because it’s always there doesn’t mean it right for you! You’re unique and therefore so it your skin! If you try out Agency personalized skincare you can do so with this link here. I would love to hear about your journey and what your thoughts are! Always feel free to email me or message me on instagram, you guys know (or I hope you do!) that I LOVE hearing from all of you!
If you’re interested in more positive topics 🙂 Check out my posts on Self Love & Confidence!