Cheers to 2020

Hey guys! It’s been a little since I have posted and I hope all of you had wonderful Christmas and New Year celebrations! Pat and I were home in Pittsburgh for almost 10 days and it was absolutely amazing. It’s been a little while since we have been able to be back home for that length of time and it was truly wonderful to be able to spend so much time with family and friends!

white body con dress

Dress: L’Academie Gigi Midi Dress wearing a size Medium. It’s beyond flattering and really smoothes over the butt and hips/thighs area! It’s currently 40% off and I believe it’s worth every penny!

I wanted to share my top goals for 2020. I believe in setting short term goals that lead to achieving larger, overall goals! If you have something short term to focus on, I feel it is much easier to make progress on those little things that add up to that big goal! Pat and I write out our personal and shared goals every six months and break them up to smaller goals that can be achieved monthly or bi-monthly!

Since you are here, reading my blog, and thank you for that, I thought I would start by sharing my blog/instagram goals with you guys!

Top Blog / Instagram Goal:

My goal is to share more on body positivity, on finding confidence, healthy meals and fitness routines. My goal is to share things that make me feel good about myself, in hopes to inspire you to find those similar things for you! While I still love fashion and want to continually share fashion, I want to focus on creating a network of incredible women where we can support one another and be a community of body positive women!

Top Fitness Goal:

My body fat % has slowly crept up over the past several months and it’s my number one goal fitness wise. To get it back down! I’m looking to decrease my fat % by 5 points, while maintaining my muscle weight. I don’t want to lose any muscle, just purely lose fat. This will be a challenge as I will be decreasing my caloric intake, but will want to continually to lift heavier. The days where I will work out my glutes/legs will be days where I will have to fit the gym in later as I will need to be able to eat before the workout. Currently, I do intermittent fasting where I only eat in the window 12pm-8pm. I am at the gym usually by 8am so I hope with this adjustment, I’ll be able to see a difference in the weight I can lift, increasing muscle while burning fat. I can share more on why I intermittent fast if you guys are interested! Just let me know 🙂

Top Personal Mental Goal:

I would like to get more sleep this year. To really focus on winding down at night and releasing the thoughts in my mind that seem to never end. I want to focus on releasing any energy that isn’t positive so that when I lay my head down at night, I can be thankful for the day and sleep more soundly! I have never been a big sleeper but I would love to be able to really feel peace before sleeping!

Top Purchasing Goal:

This may be a little weird but I really want to focus on asking myself with every time I walk through the door to our home, are the things in my hands necessary to have in our home? I have always been super aware of the amount things that can be easily acquired within family homes, friend’s homes and my own space. I think we need to bring less things into the home and focus more on the feeling inside our home. Each purchase for the house, is it something that makes us feel good? Is it something we believe we will love fully for the next ten years? Are the groceries that you bring in, are they items that will nourish your body and make you feel good? Are the shopping bags filled with clothing pieces that are truly different than what is already in the closet upstairs?

I believe we live where consumption isn’t given much thought. It’s a way of life and personally, I feel we could focus on reducing the ‘extra’ things in all areas of our lives. Less things and live more 🙂

Top Marital Goal:

Pat and I are focusing on setting money aside to take a trip just the two of us! We have gone on small weekend trips, mostly with friends but are hoping we can save enough to go somewhere that has been on our list for a long while now!

These are just a few goals I have, I really encourage each and everyone of you to write them out, on something that you see every single day. When you see it, it becomes in your conscious and you are drawn to always working towards it!

Would love to know what your goals are! Feel free to share by emailing me or leaving a comment on instagram! Would love to connect all of you together!


Brittany Ann

Remember you can always shop my outfits on this page-I upload daily!

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