Nike Training High Impact Sports Bra // Nike Pro Training Leggings // Similar Pullover (I got this one years ago from NordstromRack) // Adidas Alphabounce Shoe (similar pair here)
Hey guys! The weather is finally dropping a little bit, thank the heavens for that! With cooler temperatures and knowing that winter is approaching, I find myself wanting to be outside more. Especially on the weekends, Pat and I always take Ruby for a long walk in the neighborhood. We walk every night together, but enjoy our Saturday walk of about a mile and a half.
This Nike set is super cute with it’s lime green “volt” accents. I think Nike coined the term “Volt” If I remember that correctly…. Pat has tennis shoes in “Volt”, which he somehow pulls off. He can wear anything and it looks good! I always think he should start an instagram account for mens fashion! Lol! Did you catch this post where I wore a blue and lime Nike set at the beach and talked about 5 Ways to Hold Yourself Accountable with your workouts? Anyways, in today’s post I am wearing a size medium in the Sports Bra and a medium in the Pro Leggings. The sports bra is supportive- it’s for a high impact workout. My long sleeve pullover is super old, I have linked a few similar options above and below, but I had purchased it from NordstromRack a few years ago. They have great pieces at affordable prices if you skim through their activewear from time to time!
Anyways, I thought I would share a recent Fall HIIT Workout Routine that I have done. High Intensity Interval Training is any form of exercise that alternates between a burst of intense activity to a fixed period of less activity or rest. A basic routine of HIIT would be to sprint for one minute, then walk for two minutes, repeat 3-4 times.
Research shows that 15 minutes of HIIT has more results than someone on the treadmill for one hour. If you are the girl that goes to the gym and immediately goes upstairs to get on the treadmill or stair master for an hour or 1.5 hours, I encourage you to stop! Your body needs to be doing different things, different routines! Finding a routine that maximizes your results in less time is always ideal! HIIT is an effective, workout that causes your body to stay in an “active” mode for 24 hours after your workout. It increases HGH (Human Growth Hormone) within ourselves, which is responsible for muscle repair and recovery, boosts metabolism and burns fat!
Fall HIIT Workout Routine
Warm up: Jump rope as fast as you can for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, x 5
1.) Standing squats 3 x 20, rest for 20 seconds in between
2.) Side Lateral jumps 30 seconds jump, 30 seconds rest x 3
3.) Reverse plyo lunge 3 x 8 each leg – rest 30-60 secs in between sets
4.) Jump squats 3 x 15, rest for 30 seconds in between
5.) Cross into Half Burpees 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest x 3
Cool down: Jump rope for two minutes at a normal, steady pace
Let me know if you try this Fall HIIT Workout Routine out! I would love to know! It seems on my instagram (@brittanyanncourtney) you guys are wanting to see more fitness related content! I love that! Thy gym is a huge part of mine and Pat’s life together. I enjoy going to the gym, it’s a way to release stress for me and it certainly makes me feel more confident. I feel stronger and leaner every time I leave and I love that feeling!
xx, Brittany Ann
Also be sure to check out this post for my favorite fitness brands I wear!
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